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Why is it that as people, we can be so passive even with these big ideas in our heads of what we want to achieve and what we need to do in order to achieve these things?

I have been going through some evaluation where I am analysing my relationships, successes, failures, achievements and so on. In order for me to do so, I feel like it is important for me to limit my distractions and focus on the most important aspects of my life. Although, I must admit I think I am good at removing myself from situations which do not benefit me, this is something which even I can find challenging. Sometimes, it feels almost impossible to isolate yourself when you are constantly surrounded by other people and distractions. Life is about being with other people. This is one way in which being away at uni has spoiled me. Whilst it may seem like a very social experience overall, you have only known the people around you for a short space of time and you are essentially living alone. If you’re anything like me, you may have allowed yourself to get a little too used to doing things for yourself and by yourself.

A way in which I have found it useful to cope with feeling stressed or overwhelmed is to delete certain apps from my phone that I feel are consuming too much of my precious time. Social media mostly works in a positive way to connect you with other people and sometimes even to uplift you. However, recently I have found it to be more of a distraction so I take breaks in order to assign my time to more important things. For the people that know me well, this may be a ‘funny’ post because they are often complaining that I do not spend enough time on my phone. But if you feel like anything in your life has a similar effect, it may be worthwhile to do the same.

I have extremely high aspirations. Whilst I do have the best intentions for myself and try to be productive, I can also become distracted and lazy. When I am unhappy or uncertain I find it hard to pour myself into my projects so I am trying to focus on the things which make me happy and bring me closer to my goals. I think it’s important for us to always keep in mind that all the small steps we make now will either bring us two steps closer or bring us two steps back from our object. Therefore, focussing on things which bring us closer to our goals seems like a good idea to me. It just depends on how urgently you want it.

One of the other things which I find useful is making lists. I am ‘list Queen’. I make lists in the ‘notes’ section of my iPhone about almost everything. It not only allows me to prioritise, but it gives me peace of mind to be able to see all my goals laid out clearly. I also have an A4 whiteboard in my uni room which I also sometimes use for this purpose. In case you were interested or find it beneficial to know the goals in which I am trying to focus on for the meantime, here they are:

  1. make sure I actually do enough REVISION for my summer exams!
  2. eat more healthily and exercise
  3. continue using my blog as an outlet

I decided to keep my list small because these are very general and big things and my aim is to focus. Some of you might also find making lists useful. What are some of the goals you want to achieve?

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