What is your purpose?

© David Alan Harvey/Magnum Photos. CUBA. Trinidad. 1998. ‘The Trinidad Folkoric Ballet rehearses in an empty courtyard.’


Purpose: the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

I like to think I became aware of my talents and gifts very early on in life. Yet I do often find myself questioning a greater purpose. “Why am I here”, “am I doing what I am meant to be doing”? It’s difficult to comprehend the world beyond my personal experiences when the series of events that make up ‘my life’ are so consuming. How do we know that we are only pursuing what we are pursuing because it is within our reach?

There is so much to think of; who I am and how I came to be here. It is because of this very same reason that I strongly feel that I do have a purpose. Because, I do not understand how I could be standing here as a result of all the remarkable events in my life, that have brought me to this moment – for it to merely be a coincidence.

Life is not a coincidence, thus I am here for a reason, my life has a purpose.

We all bring something inherently special and different to the table. The problem is often, how does one unlock such a gift(s)? And, when will we realise this gift and allow ourselves to utilise it. We cannot waste our talents when there are so many people who would give all they have to possess what you have and take for granted. Once you become aware of your purpose, the only way to move forward is to develop and pursue your gift(s).

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