Thank my insecurities.

Syd & DEAN. Sourced from Tumblr. Original source unknown.


We all get insecure from time to time but what we fail to realise is that our insecurities become more apparent when we spend all of our time focusing on them. A person that thinks highly of me might read this and think, ‘what do you have to be insecure about?’ The same way I can look at many others and think the same. But that’s the thing; for the most part insecurities are our own personal problems with ourselves. Other people are not really going to notice and if they do they will probably be spending so much time thinking about themselves they won’t really care.

I feel like i’m way too young to allow my insecurities to stop me from doing the things I want to do, the things I love. When i think of the moments in my life I have spent worrying about insignificant things – that most of the time I cannot change – I can’t help but feel some regret. These are probably the best years of our lives, yet, we waste them comparing ourselves to others and not doing things because we are afraid to fail, to be judged. All the people who do not want to see me succeed can ‘thank my insecurities’ (credit to ‘The Internet – insecurities’ for the inspiration on this blog post) because sadly, they have probably stopped me from doing amazing things in the past. They may have been the reason for feelings of inadequacy, shame, fear, in the past. But, from now I choose to try at least try and be confident in them.

I’ve honestly struggled with insecurity for most of my life and for some parts it really did swallow me up… eat at my confidence and my self-esteem. Still, at this moment in time I can acknowledge my weaknesses and still feel whole. I can feel secure in the fact that I am not my weaknesses; I am so much more than one negative thing because of all the other positive things I am. I so often strive for perfection that I forget no one is perfect and it’s ok that I am not. This is something we should all try to remind ourselves of whenever we feel down.

We shouldn’t compare our journey to anyone else’s. You don’t know what they’ve had to do to get there and even still, whenever we envy or become jealous of others, we covet one seemingly perfect aspect of a person or their life. We forget that everyone is fighting their own battles and that there might have been many things that person has faced we would not wish on ourselves. Or even worse, whilst we envy one aspect of people’s lives, those same people can also envy things we have and take for granted. Everyone seems to want what they don’t have. Some of the richest and most famous people just want love, real relationships, a normal life, whilst, some of the poorest only want money, fame and expensive possessions.

I’m not saying that we should be confident and happy all the time because that is impossible! However, I think it’s important to try focus on the many reasons we have to be confident and happy rather than the many reasons we don’t. So that, when we do feel down we at least have a genuine reason to be…

Life is hard enough so be kind to yourself x

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