New year, new me?

Sourced from tumblr. Original source unknown.


This year has been a year of like, just realising stuff. I’m sorry I had to.

But, on a completely serious note, the reality of 2017 is that the entire world seems to be in turmoil. The uncertainty surrounding Brexit, Libyan slave trade, the compromise of net neutrality, Donald Trump and the ongoing crisis in Syria, the Rohingya and many other escalating crises!!! With so much going on in the world, it seems almost impossible to drown out the noise and focus on how the year really went for us. Was 2017 really that bad?

To recap, my year would be one of extreme personal growth and changes. The evolution (that was essential) in my personal life has meant I am ending the year in a completely different way to how I started it. I’ve managed to avoid taking major L’s and have become an all around more mature and responsible person. The thing that has made this year stand out from the rest has probably been my new found ability to actually foresee unfortunate circumstances and prevent them rather than standing there clueless in the middle of a totally avoidable situation.

So for next year, I’m not hoping for miracles and i’m not expecting 360 changes on the day of the 1st January 2018. I’ve pretty much abandoned the huge list method and managed to whittle it down to 3 important resolutions. Instead – thanks to my best friend – I’ve already started my ‘new years’ resolutions. I’m also hoping that I’ll continue to do everything that I am doing right at the moment and that I will be able to gradually make some additional changes in the following year.

If you’re feeling disappointed with the growth you have made in 2017, remember, it’s never too late to start and if you keep trying this might just be the year you reach some of your toughest goals. Ask yourself, what have I achieved this year? Make a list. You may be surprised.

Regardless of what your new years resolutions are, I am wishing you all a prosperous 2018. I hope that we will all be blessed with the qualities we need to materialise our desires for the new year.

Happy New Year & see you in 2018 x


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