Crab Mentality

Swizz Beatz/Instagram


You’ve probably heard some variation of the phrase ‘crab mentality’ or ‘crabs in a bucket’. It refers to crabs in a bucket, attempting to fight their way out by pulling each other down. The competition they create prevents any of them from escaping successfully. If they helped each other up, they could all escape the bucket individually.

The idea is that we as human beings, don’t want others to become more successful than us because society teaches us that there is only room for a few at the top. We view life as a competition because others’ success somehow means there is no room for our own success. There is something about achievements happening so close to home that brings our own subconscious feelings of inadequacy – often in forms of negativity and jealousy – to the surface.

In reality, there is room for us all.

If you are making progress in your life, you may feel like your family or friends are holding you back. Whenever you try to escape the bucket, they are pulling you back. For example, you may be trying to pursue a new idea and the people around you may be discouraging you. Why? Perhaps these people are afraid of feeling left behind.

Something perfectly demonstrated by the crab analogy is that this mentality is wrong and preventing more of us from succeeding. Life is not an episode of America’s Next top Model; you don’t have to bring others down to ‘be on top’. People support famous and successful people they don’t know all the time, yet, they choose not to support individuals in close proximity to them.

I am no better than anyone else. Or worse. But I am different. So why, if I’m the only person like me in the world, would there be no room for me at the top?

I wholeheartedly believe that, you get from this world exactly what you give out. If you want people to support you and your projects then you can’t expect them to do so, if you never support anyone else. Be different. Try to become the person that is nice and supports people for trying to better their lives or chase their dreams. You will attract more favour into your life even if you don’t expect it – TRY IT!

More importantly, give to others, support them and encourage them purely because you want them to be happy. It’s wonderful to get things back, but its far better to support others for the virtue of kindness.



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